Meredith's Culligan water has a long history of supporting and participating in community activities in the Southeastern Wisconsin area.
Non-Profit Organization Sponsorships
- St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - Meredith's Culligan water financially supports this children's hospital pioneering research and treatments for kids with cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
- Lupus Foundation of America - Meredith's Culligan water supports the Lupus Foundation and participates in support of their annual Lupus "Strides for Lupus" run/walk that takes place in Milwaukee.
- Union Grove Lions Club - The Lions Club is an international volunteer community service group. Don Meredith, Owner of Meredith's Culligan water, is an active member of his local Lions Club chapter.
- Union Grove High School - Meredith's Culligan water provides a scholarship each year to a graduating senior pursuing science, technology or business.
- American Legion - Meredith's Culligan water supports the American Legion Post activities and it's founder was a member.
- Compassion International - Meredith's Culligan water financially supports this organization for children in poverty.
- Assistance Dogs - KSDS specializes in promoting the independence of individuals who are visually impaired or physically disabled, by providing highly-trained canine assistance and support. Don Meredith, Owner of Meredith's Culligan water, has had personal experience with KSDS through his family and he is also a financial supporter of the organization.
- American Heart Association - Meredith's Culligan water has made financial donations to the American Heart Association.

- United Service Organization (The USO) - The USO's mission is to lift the spirits of American military troops and their families. It is a tangible way for Americans to demonstrate their appreciation and gratitude for the dedication and sacrifice of our military troops. Meredith's Culligan water financially supports this organization.
- American Cancer Society - Meredith's Culligan water has made financial donations to the American Cancer Society.
- Friends of Scouting - Friends of Scouting is an annual giving campaign that helps raise funds for the Boy Scouts of America scouting programs. Meredith Culligan water has donated to this organization.
Involvement in Community and Industry
- Water Quality Association of Wisconsin - Meredith's Culligan water is a member of the WQAW and Don has served as the association President as well as on the board.
- Water Quality Association - Meredith's Culligan water is a member of the international Water Quality Association.
- Culligan Dealers Association of North America - Meredith's Culligan water is a member of the North American CDANA organization and Don has served on the board of directors, including being the President.
- Union Grove Chamber of Commerce - Meredith's Culligan water is a member of the Union Grove Chamber of Commerce and the owner, Don Meredith, has served multiple terms on the board of directors.
- Racine Area Manufacturers and Commerce - The Meredith's Culligan water team has taken training offered by this organization, and has supported it through the Chamber membership.

- Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development - This is a government-funded organization. The team at Meredith's Culligan water has participated in training sessions coordinated by the DWD and Meredith's Culligan water posts job openings on the DWD website.
- The Workforce Development Center - This is the parent organization to the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. Meredith's Culligan water uses the services provided by this organization.
- Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative Corporation - Don Meredith, Owner of Meredith's Culligan water, is a supporter of the Southeast (Kenosha/Racine) WWBIC.
- Plant & Facilities Maintenance Association - Meredith's Culligan water is a member of this organization.
- Allied Purchasing - Meredith's Culligan water is a member of and purchases products from this organization.
- Wisconsin Department of Safety & Professional Services - Culligan has their products reviewed, tested, and approved by the DSPS. The DSPS also provides plumber's licenses to Culligan team members.
- Racine County Economic Development Corp. - Meredith's Culligan water supports this organization's activities for the current and future business in the area.
- strong>Village of Union Grove - Meredith's Culligan water has called Union Grove home since the inception of the business in 1947. We support and participate in the local village activities, including the 4th of July parade.
- Union Grove Yorkville Fire Department - Meredith's Culligan water supports the local volunteer fire department.